Crockett Ford

I'm a developer who makes end-to-end apps, tools, websites and more. If you're here to see what I can do, take a look at some of my work below.

I'm comfortable working in the backend with C# and .Net or in the front-end using a variety of technologies, but especially Jamstack frameworks like Astro and UI frameworks like Svelte.

Sometimes I post to my blog, where I write about self-hosting, document projects I'm working on, or rant about movies and books.

A portrait of Crockett

Featured Posts

Selected Projects

  • DataParty

    The website for DataParty, the web development company I started in late 2024. Built using Astro and Alpine.js.
    • Astro
    • Alpine.js
    • Web Design
    The DataParty website landing page.
  • OpenLaunch

    A Blazor app for managing pre-launch waitlists and email subscriptions. Includes AWS SES integration, templating, embedded image hosting, and unsubscribe link generation. Designed as an all-in-one, self-hostable solution.
    • Blazor
    • Asp.Net Core Identity
    • AWS
    The OpenLaunch email templating screen.
  • Price alert bot

    A simple .net app that performs keyword searches on mercari and sends hourly email alerts for listings within a specified price range. Built to save resellers time sourcing new listings.
    • .Net
    • Playwright
    • Docker
    a screenshot of an email containing a list full of flagged listings